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We're glad you found us!

Finding a church can be challenging but we hope you will join us in worship. We look forward to meeting you.

St. John's Cross


Through the grace of God and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we are a nurturing community whose vision is to:

  • Welcome people of all ages and backgrounds.

  • Celebrate Christ's presence through creative worship.

  • Explore, challenge, and demonstrate our faith.

  • Share God's love with one another and with our neighbor.

  • Be Faithful stewards of God's abundant gifts.

  • Deepen our grounding in God's infinite and merciful love.

As a community of faith, we believe...

  • in a loving, living God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection transformed all humanity and the world.

  • the Scriptures are God’s inspired Word. In them, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we understand who God is and how God has acted in history.

We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.​


For more details and information on the beliefs and practices of the Episcopal Church, please visit:​

St John's Church - line drawing

The unique design of our roof is symbolic of both praying hands to hold and uplift us and a ship's hull to provide us with a safe refuge.

The cross was placed outside as a visible symbol of Christ in the community.


Sunday Worship Times

8 a.m. and 10 a.m. in person


Livestreaming at 10 a.m.


To view Sunday Livestreaming Worship

on YouTube, click:

Worship With Us


To get more information, sign up for our Newsletter

The Vine


Welcome to St. John's

Welcome! I am so glad that you found us here online.

St. John’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming and inclusive community of faith—an intergenerational congregation that works to live out Jesus’ call to love God and one another.

Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here. If you’re wondering if there is a church for you – where you feel at home with the liturgy, and everyone is welcome – even at the table – let me tell you. There is!

I invite you to look at our website. Doing so will give you an idea about our worship and ministries. However, it’ll only be a snapshot. We would love for you to come in person and experience what it’s like and to get a much bigger picture of what we mean when we say that the Episcopal Church welcomes you. God loves everyone,  no exceptions.

I would love to meet with you by phone, Zoom, or in person, either here at the church or for lunch or a cup of coffee in the community. I want to hear your story and what brings you to St. John’s.

Wishing you an abundance of peace,
Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris
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