Palm Sunday/The Sunday of the Passion
8:30 – 9:15 - Breakfast in the Parish Hall
9:30 am – The liturgy of the Palms begins in ‘The Gathering.’
Once the Palms are blessed, we process to the front door of the church, pray a collect for Holy Week, and then the dayshifts to
‘The Sunday of the Passion’
There is no 8 am service on this day.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 6 – 6:30 pm
Our service that night mainly takes place in the parish hall where an actual meal of soup, bread and wine will be incorporated into the Eucharist. At the service, we also consecrate all the bread to be used at the Good Friday service the following day.
The service concludes as we enter the church to
strip the altar and prepare for the Solemnity of our
Good Friday service.
On this night we leave in silence.
Good Friday
The Liturgy of Good Friday – April 7th – 12:15 pm
The service this day includes the praying of the Solemn Collects, the Veneration of the Cross, and Communion
from the sacrament reserved the previous evening.
Again, as this solemn liturgy ends, we leave in silence.
7 pm – Stations of the Cross
in the church
Holy Saturday
The proper liturgy of Holy Saturday – 10:00 am
The proper liturgy of Holy Saturday is quite brief,
but is profoundly meaningful.
This is the day that Jesus’ body lies in the tomb.
And yet he is also active in achieving
‘The Harrowing of Hell’
A very brief reading that day will explain.
Come join a small but dedicated band of believers
who reveres this liturgy.
Easter Day – The Day of Resurrection
8 am & 10 am – join us as we celebrate
the ‘Queen of Feasts’
and bask in the glory of what God has done for us
in the Resurrection of Christ.
A festive Coffee Hour follows.
4:00 pm -
Join Fr. John in the church or on Zoom
as we read a short service of Evening Prayer
and hear the last Gospel of Easter Day.
(contact the church office for the Zoom link)